Vacant lot
Rue Métivier, Château-Richer G0A 1N0
Enter the mortgage amount, the amortization period and the interest rate, then click «Calculate Payment» to obtain the periodic payment.
- OR -
Specify the payment you wish to perform and click «Calculate principal» to obtain the amount you could borrow. You must specify an interest rate and an amortization period.
*Results for illustrative purposes only.
*Rates are compounded semi-annually.
It is possible that your payments differ from those shown here.
Magnifique terrain auto construction permise pouvant accueillir maison unifamiliale située en pleine nature endroit rêvé pour les amateurs de sports d'hiver tel que raquette, ski de fond et ski alpin tout prêt du mont St-Anne ainsi que des piste de motoneige. A noter Le zonage permet la location court terme de style maison vacance .