Our brokers
- Stéphanie JutrasResidential Real Estate Broker418-628-3720
- Mamadou KaboreResidential Real Estate BrokerMamadou Kabore Stratégie Immobilière Inc.418-624-4444
- Julien KinchResidential and Commercial Real Estate BrokerJulien Kinch inc.418-717-8828418-621-5461
- Gabriel LabergeResidential Real Estate Broker581-984-2412
- Alex LaforestResidential Real Estate Broker581-989-2601
- Karel LandryResidential Real Estate Broker581-308-5800
- William LangevinResidential Real Estate Broker418-624-4444418-948-9400
- Myriam LapointeResidential Real Estate Broker418-932-8845
- Nicolas LebelResidential and Commercial Real Estate BrokerNicolas Lebel Courtier Immobilier Inc.418-261-8341
- Marie-Claude LeclercResidential Real Estate Broker418-930-4862
- Matthieu L'EcuyerResidential and Commercial Real Estate BrokerMatthieu L'Écuyer Courtier Immobilier inc.581-999-3606 418-624-4444
- Josée LefebvreResidential and Commercial Real Estate Broker418-570-1617 418-628-3701
- Guillaume LefrançoisResidential and Commercial Real Estate Broker418-254-8470 418-624-4444418-621-5461
- Joel Mbusa NdivitoResidential Real Estate BrokerJOEL MBUSA NDIVITO INC.Business corporation owned by a Residential Real Estate Broker581-397-1686
- Amélie B. MeunierResidential and Commercial Real Estate BrokerAMÉLIE B. MEUNIER COURTIER IMMOBILIER INC.418-575-2696 418-628-3701
- Denis MorinResidential and Commercial Real Estate BrokerDENIS MORIN COURTIER IMMOBILIER INC.
- Jessy MorissetteResidential Real Estate BrokerJessy Morissette Courtier Immobilier Inc.418-628-3701418-621-5461
- Jacob MorneauResidential Real Estate Broker418-802-1526
- Graziella NadeauResidential Real Estate Broker418-931-6219
- Toufik OuahdiResidential Real Estate BrokerOuahdi Toufik Courtier Immobilier Inc.418-271-1577
- Alexandre OuelletChartered Residential Real Estate Broker AEOAlexandre Ouellet Immobilier inc.418-717-9911
- Sandra OuelletResidential and Commercial Real Estate Broker418-997-0910